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物联网软件开发公司 小升初英语给单词的合适步地填空100说念

发布日期:2024-08-05 13:41    点击次数:124

六年齿英语,本试卷满分95分,查验期间20分钟! *试题底下附谜底,便捷同学们实时不雅察作念题成果! 

1.Tina___________ (wash)clothes yesterday.2.Mike often___________ (go)to school on foot.3.Whose dog is___________ (heavy),yours or his?4.We___________ (are) happy yesterday.5.Did they ___________(do)homework yesterday?11.Li Lei ___________(fly) a kite now.12.-___________(do) your teacher live in Beijing?13.My father___________(watch)TV every day.14.We___________ (go)to the park yesterday.15.There are many ___________(book) on the desk.16. He doesn’t want ___________(this)apples.17.It was a ___________ (wind) day yesterday.18.My legs are ___________(long) than Mike’s.19.My mother’s birthday is on May the ___________(five).20.This is an ___________ (interest) story.21.She always w__________ an old dress.22.I’m h__________.Can I have some bread?23.She is so s__________.Her eyes are full of tears(泪水).24.I like s__________,because it’s hot and I can eat ice cream.25.Last weekend,John went to Hainan and he t__________ some pictures.26. The library is on the _______ (two) floor,27.What _______(do)you _______(do) last night?28.I will _______(take) pictures with my friend tomorrow.29.We _______(have)a farewell(告别)party next Saturday afternoon.30.His feet are _______(small)than yours.


1.Tina___________ (wash)clothes yesterday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

2.Mike often___________ (go)to school on foot.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

3.Whose dog is___________ (heavy),yours or his?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

4.We___________ (are) happy yesterday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

5.Did they ___________(do)homework yesterday?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

11.Li Lei ___________(fly) a kite now.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

12.-___________(do) your teacher live in Beijing?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

13.My father___________(watch)TV every day.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

14.We___________ (go)to the park yesterday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

15.There are many ___________(book) on the desk.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:washedgoesheavierweredois flyingDoeswatcheswentbooks


16. He doesn’t want ___________(this)apples.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

17.It was a ___________ (wind) day yesterday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

18.My legs are ___________(long) than Mike’s.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

19.My mother’s birthday is on May the ___________(five).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

20.This is an ___________ (interest) story.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

21.She always w__________ an old dress.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

22.I’m h__________.Can I have some bread?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

23.She is so s__________.Her eyes are full of tears(泪水).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

24.I like s__________,物联网软件开发公司because it’s hot and I can eat ice cream.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

25.Last weekend,John went to Hainan and he t__________ some pictures.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

26. The library is on the _______ (two) floor,: (请在横线上填写谜底)



27.What _______(do)you _______(do) last night?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

28.I will _______(take) pictures with my friend tomorrow.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

29.We _______(have)a farewell(告别)party next Saturday afternoon.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

30.His feet are _______(small)than yours.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

31.We saw many _______(monkey) in the zoo last weekend.: (请在横线上填写谜底)


32.He can _______(play) the violin.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

33.How much _______(be) the apples?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

34. It is always cool and _______ (wind) in autumn.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

35.The pandas_______ (eat)bamboo now.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

36.My father is _____________(thin) than my mother.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

37.Yesterday Mary _____________ (watch)TV.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:did;dotakewill havesmallermonkeysplayarewindyare eatingthinnerwatched


38.-Where _____________(be)you going?-I_____________(be) going to Hangzhou.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

39.-__________you __________(clean)your room last night? -Yes,I __________.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

40.She __________(fly) kites last Sunday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

41.Do you like __________ (go) to the park with me?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

42.-What is Amy doing?-She __________ (draw) pictures.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

43.-When is your birthday?-It’s on March __________(one).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

44.When is __________(teacher)Day?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

45.It’s not __________(she)bike. __________(she) is under the tree.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

46.Little Tom _______(watch)TV every day.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

47.We went _______(swim)last weekend.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

48.There are a lot of _______ (box)in the room.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:38.are;amDid; clean; didflewgoingis drawingfirstTeachers’her; Herswatchesswimmingboxes


49.Which boy is _______(fun),John or Jim?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

50.Look!I _______ (write)a letter now.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

51.How____________(long,longer) is your ruler?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

52.Mike sometimes ____________(play,plays) basketball in the gym.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

53.Did you____________(rode,ride)a horse yesterday?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

54.How____________(was,were)your holiday?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

55.There was____________(not,no)library in my old school.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

56.Tomorrow we ________(go) to Xiamen by plane.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

57.What ________ you ________(read)yesterday?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

58.I often ___________(get)up at 6:30.This morning I________(get) up at 8:00 because it will be Sunday!: (请在横线上填写谜底)

___________(get) up at 8:00 because it will be Sunday!: (请在横线上填写谜底)

59.Yesterday we __________ (take) a bus to the police office and __________(look)for my schoolbag.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

I__________(can’t) find it anywhere.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:funnieram writinglongplaysridewasnowill go/ are going to godid; readget;got;will gettook;looked;couldn’t


60.This morning my mum_________(go)to the supermarket,She_________and other food. Tomorrow we__________(have) a picnic in the nature park.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

61.The___________(child) are playing games over there.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

62. Do you enjoy ___________(read) books in your free time?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

63. Just walk along the street, you can find the hotel___________(easy) on your right.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

64.My father is___________(interesting) in playing basketball these days.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

65.Nelly came to the classroom___________(one) this morning.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

66. We don’t have lessons on S___________and Sunday.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

67.Do you want to m___________friends with me?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

68. Keep quiet! I can’t listen to the teacher c___________.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

69.The Changjiang River is the 1___________ river in China.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

70.I don’t like this sweater. Can you show me a ___________ one?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:went; bought; will havechildrenreadingeasilyinterestedfirstSaturdaymakeclearlylongestanother


71.Students are __________(make) paper boats now.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

72. Alice’s apartment is bigger than __________(I).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

73.My mum usually __________(fly) kites with us in spring.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

74. English newspapers are very __________(help).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

75. It is autumn. The __________(leaf) become yellow.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

76. They often go __________(shop) in Tianyuan Supermarket.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

77.His parrot can __________(talk).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

78. It often snows __________(heavy) in Harbin in winter.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

79. The kid is happy.Because he __________(see) his mother.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

80.Astronauts __________(take) the pictures from the space last year.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

81.She or he__________(have) taken my pen.: (请在横线上填写谜底)



82.We are__________(excite) at the__________(excite) news.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

83.They lived in London until quite __________(recent).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

84.He __________(know) much English, but he knows a little__________(France).: (请在横线上填写谜底)

85. On Sundays, we often go __________(shop) with our parents.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

86.-Jim __________(finish) his composition yet?-No. He has some difficulty in doing it.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

87.The rest of the wine__________(turn) bad.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

88.We__________(plant) trees in spring every year. Now we__________(plant) trees along the river.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

89.Jim gives me a __________(惊喜)from England.: (请在横线上填写谜底)

90.What can you see in the__________(海洋)?: (请在横线上填写谜底)

参考谜底为:excited; excitingrecentlyknows;FrenchshoppingHas;finishedturnsplant; are plantingsurprisesea/ocean

接受合适的介词填空:for,with,by,from,to91.When did you get __________ Harbin? (本题分数:1分)







92. I’m going to buy some fruit __________ my friends. (本题分数:1分)

福彩3D历年第181期同期奖号为:983 419 876 073 708 417 001 500 379 918 847 248 806 281 869 569 498 168 227 371 872 567 230。







93.I went to Nanjing __________plane. (本题分数:1分)







94.Yesterday I went fishing __________ my parents. (本题分数:1分)







95.My grandparents came back __________ Beijing yesterday (本题分数:1分)







接受合适的词填空:good,give,second,children,go shopping96.Please__________ the book to me. (本题分数:1分)





 E:go shopping


97.Jenny sometimes __________ with her mother on Sundays. (本题分数:1分)





 E:goes shopping


98.There are many __________ in the square(广场) (本题分数:1分)





 E:goes shopping


99. John is good at drawing.His picture is __________ than mine, (本题分数:1分)





 E:goes shopping


100.This is my __________time to Beijing. (本题分数:1分)





 E:goes shopping

