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farmers 相关话题


HOHHOT, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Viewed from above, 196,000 blue solar panels form a dynamic silhouette of a horse, galloping through the Kubuqi Desert. Strolling around the solar power station in Chaideng Village, Ordos City, tourists marveled at the gr
Tanzanian farmers show soybeans produced with technology developed by the China Agricultural University in collaboration with Morogoro regional authorities in Morogoro, Tanzania, Aug. 5, 2023. (Photo by Nurdin Pallangyo/Xinhua) 亚军玛丽娅-埃尔南德斯(Maria Her
Tanzanian farmers show soybeans produced with technology developed by the China Agricultural University in collaboration with Morogoro regional authorities in Morogoro, Tanzania, Aug. 5, 2023. (Photo by Nurdin Pallangyo/Xinhua) Tens of hundreds of h
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